Hello girls!
A few days ago talking with some friends came out the conversation of beloved Cristian Gray ! they all want a Cristian Gray in their life, personally the books have not hooked me very much ... what I liked is Cristian Gray! :-)
So I decided to stop to think why I like this man and I tell you what I like about the here if we agree or I'm crazy crazy ...
- He is nice
- He is handsome, or at least he is in my mind: -)
- You makes you feel special
- Even though the books are erotic I see a tender boy.
- His story It's dangerous (Do you want to be your sex slave?)
- Your sms up two tone
- It's unique, I do not think there's a man like that!
- It's retailer
- He knows how to listen
- He's a good lover
- I like his look (I can imagine it too)
I just think that almost every girl is crazy about the morbidity she gives, and why she does not find someone like that in all of them sites!
And why do you like Cristian Gray? Or, on the contrary, do you hate it? Kisses