Should I Stop Using My Car if the Service Center is Closed?

With the ongoing pandemic, many businesses have been forced to close temporarily, including car service centers. This has left many car owners in a predicament, especially those whose vehicles are due for servicing. One such case is a new Swift Facelift owner who has completed 1,000 km and is due for servicing. The question arises, “Should I stop using my car if the service center is closed?”

Understanding the Importance of Regular Car Servicing

Regular car servicing is crucial for maintaining the performance and longevity of your vehicle. It involves checking and replacing parts that wear out over time, such as oil filters, air filters, and brake pads. Additionally, it includes checking the vehicle’s systems for any potential issues that could lead to more significant problems down the line.

What Happens If I Don’t Service My Car?

Skipping a service can lead to a variety of issues. For instance, if your oil isn’t changed regularly, it can lead to engine damage. Similarly, if your brake pads aren’t replaced when needed, it can result in reduced braking efficiency, which can be dangerous. Therefore, regular servicing is essential for the safety and performance of your vehicle.

Should I Stop Using My Car If the Service Center Is Closed?

If your car is due for servicing and the service center is closed, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stop using your car. However, it would be best if you took some precautions. Here are some tips:

  • Limit your driving: Try to use your car only when necessary. This can help reduce the wear and tear on your vehicle.

  • Check your car regularly: Even if you’re not a mechanic, there are some basic checks you can do, such as checking the oil level and tire pressure.

  • Seek alternative service centers: If your regular service center is closed, you might be able to find another one that’s open. Just make sure they’re reputable and can service your specific make and model.


In conclusion, while regular servicing is essential for your car’s performance and longevity, you don’t necessarily have to stop using your car if the service center is closed. However, you should limit your driving, regularly check your car, and seek alternative service centers if possible. Remember, the goal is to keep your car in the best possible condition until you can get it serviced.